Novell NetWare
6-2 Part No. 1H9613 June 1997
With NetWare, the printer operates as a print server and reads
requests from NetWare servers. The printer can service 16
queues on 16 file servers and poll successive queues every
You can print to the printer with standard Novell print utilities such
as NPRINT or from Microsoft Windows applications.
Novell NetWare IPX - Overview
To use Novell IPX, you must create a configuration file using the
KSETUP.EXE utility included on the Novell utilities diskette.
If you have more than 20 servers, we recommend that you
specify a primary server (server with KSETUP file) so that the
Network Interface Card can do a more efficient search for the
server/KSETUP file.
The default frametype setting is AUTOSELECT. You may have to
specify a specific IPX FrameType from the printer’s front control/
display panel if you have servers using different frametypes.
Complete the remaining server and queue configuration steps
using the Novell PCONSOLE utility.
When using Novell IPX, one user license is required because the
printer/Network Interface Card logs into the server being
Novell NetWare AppleTalk - Overview
To use Novell’s AppleTalk Print Services (ATPS), an ATPS.CFG
file must be edited appropriately to define an AppleTalk printer
name and corresponding zone.
Novell AppleTalk Advantages over Novell IPX
The use of Novell ATPS does not require configuration steps
using PCONSOLE, steps to specify a primary server, or steps to
specify a frametype. ATPS does not require a user license, and
performance differences between the use of IPX and AppleTalk
are negligible. Refer to the documentation for AppleTalk, Novell
NetWare for more information.
The disadvantage of using Novell AppleTalk over Novell IPX is
that you cannot print in Raster mode using ATPS over the Novell
server. Only Macintosh systems can printer in Raster mode using