Novell NetWare
6-4 Part No. 1H9613 June 1997
Do the following steps to create the KSETUP configuration file:
1. Log in to the file server as ADMIN in the main context.
2. Change to the \login directory on the file server.
3. Create a Kodak directory by entering the command:
md kodak
4. Change to the new directory by entering the command:
cd kodak
5. Insert the Utilities for Novell setup disk into the A drive. Copy
the Utilities for Novell setup disk into the directory by entering
the command
copy a:*.*
6. Run the KSETUP program using the command syntax below:
KSETUP /e=<NICaddress> /s=<server> /q=<queue> /
<NICaddress> is the last six digits of the printer's Ethernet
Network Interface Card’s hardware address.
<server> -is the name of the file server.
<queue> -is the name of the print queue the printer will
<printserver> -is the name of the printer/Network Interface
NetWare 3.X: <printserver>
<printserver> can be anything you want to call the printer.