Foodstuff Codes
Nutrition Scales KH 809
421 Fish, Rainbow plaice, raw
422 Fish, Salmon, raw
423 Fish, Salmon, smoked
424 Fish, Salmon, pink, tinned
425 Fish, Salmon, baked
426 Fish, Salmon, raw, farmed
427 Fish, Sardines, in oil tinned
428 Fish, Sardinen, tinned, with
429 Fish, young herring, fresh
430 Fish, Rollmops, fresh
431 Fish, Sturgeon, raw
432 Fish, Swordfi sh, raw
433 Fish, Trout, raw
434 Fish, Tuna, raw
435 Fish, Tuna, in oil, tinned
436 Fish, Tuna, in brine, tinned
437 Lobster, raw
438 Fish, Plaice, frisch
439 Octopus, raw
440 Oyster, raw
441 Oyster, breaded, roasted
442 Oyster, in batter, fried
443 Scallops, raw
444 Scallops, breaded, fried
445 Calamares, raw
446 Calamares, fried
447 Broth, Fish
448 Tuna, Salat
449 Whelk, raw
450 Apple, dried
451 Apple, with peel
452 Apple, without skin
453 Apple sauce, unsweetened
454 Apricots, fresh
455 Apricots, tinned, in own juice
456 Apricots, tinned, in syrup
457 Apricots, dried
458 Banana, fresh
459 Banana, dried
460 Blackberry, fresh
461 Blackberry, frozen
462 Blueberry, fresh
463 Blueberry, frozen
464 Cherries, tinned, in light syrup
465 Cherries, tinned, in heavy syrup
466 Cherries, sour
467 Cherries, sweet
468 Coconut, Cream, raw
469 Coconut, Cream, tinned
470 Coconut, desiccated, sweete-
471 Coconut, desiccated
472 Coconut, Milk, tinned
473 Coconut, liquid
474 Coconut, raw pulp
475 Redcurrants
476 Dates, fresh
477 Figs, dried
478 Figs, fresh
479 Fruit salad, tinned, in juice
480 Fruit salad, tinned, in light syrup
481 Fruit salad, tinned, in heavy