Chop and mitre saw | P | Mitre angle scale |
PKGS 1450 LASER | { | Laminate cutting attachment |
Chop, mitre and combination cuts | } | Mounting holes |
| q | Stop plate |
L Introduction | w | Saw motor unit setting knob |
e | Rear support stirrup | |
| r | Sawdust removal connector |
L Your safety | t | Laser beam emission opening |
y | Screw (for attaching the saw blade) | |
| u | Outside flange |
Please make sure you familiarise yourself | i | Laser On / Off switch (Fig. C) |
fully with the way the device works before | o | Transport lock (Fig. A) |
you use it for the first time and that you | p | Saw blade depth setting screw (Fig. A) |
understand how to handle electrical power tools | [ | Scale on the saw motor unit (Fig. A) |
correctly. Further details can be found in the operating | ] | Mitre angle / 0° setting screw (Fig. A) |
instructions. | A | Saw motor unit mounting screws (Fig. A) |
In addition, you must also observe the general safety | S | Mitre angle / 45° setting screw (Fig. B) |
advice contained in the accompanying booklet. Keep | D | On / Off switch (Fig. C) |
these instructions in a safe place. If you pass the | F | Rotation speed selector wheel (Fig. C) |
device on to anyone else, please ensure that you | G | Table insert (Fig. B) |
also pass on all the documentation. | H | Laser setting screw (Fig. B) |
L Proper use | L | Included items |
For sawing solid wood, chipboard and plastic. With the laminate cutting attachment { in place the machine is suitable for laminate and material up to 20 cm wide. Please note that the blade
LFeatures and equipment
QSaw motor unit
WSwitch handle
ESafety lever
RSliding roller (with automatic blade guard)
TSaw table
YLateral support stirrup
ULateral support stirrup clamp screws
IMitre angle stop
OSaw table setting knob
1 Chop and mitre saw
1 Laminate cutting attachment {
2 Lateral support stirrups Y
1 Sawdust collection bag (a)
2 Screw clamps (b)
2 Carbon brushes (c) (see section on maintenance) 2 Allen keys (d), sizes 5 mm and 6 mm
1 Locking spanner (e)
1 Socket spanner (13 mm) (f)
1 Universal saw blade: 250 x 30 x 2.35 mm,
80 HM - teeth (3.2 mm)
1 Saw blade for wood
(supplied installed): 250 x 30 x 1.8 mm,
36 HM - teeth (3.0 mm)
1 Operating instructions
1 Booklet “Guarantee and service”
1 Booklet “Containing general safety advice”