Configuring the [Basic] tab settings
4-16 bizhub C360/C280/C220 (Version 3)
4.4 Configuring the [Basic] tab settings

4.4.1 Configuring a custom size

To send a fax of the original of a custom size, specify a paper size following the procedure shown below.
1Select [Custom Size] from [Original Size] or [Paper Size].
The [Custom Size Settings] dialog box appears.
2Configure the following items.
3Click [OK].
Item Name Functions
[Original Orientation] Select the orientation of the original to be sent.
[Original Size] Select the paper size of the original to be sent.
[Paper Size] Select the size of the paper to be sent. If it is different from the original size,
the output image will be automatically enlarged or reduced.
[Zoom] Select an enlarge or reduce ratio.
Click this button to specify the user name and password when [User Au-
thentication] is enabled on this machine, or the account name and pass-
word when [Account Track] is enabled on this machine.
For details on the user authentication, refer to page 4-17. For details on
the account track, refer to page4-18.
[Width] Select a width of the custom size according to the unit you use.
[Length] Select a length of the custom size according to the unit you use.
[Unit] Select a unit to be used for specifying the size.