bizhub C360/C280/C220 (Version 3) 4-27
4.9 Using phone books 4
4To add the recipient to groups, select the check boxes for the groups.
%Adding a recipient to a group allows you to sending a fax to the recipient by specifying the group
as a recipient (Broadcast). If you expect to frequently send faxes to particular members, it will be
useful to add them to a group.
%You can select multiple groups for a recipient to be added to.
%You can change the group name.
5Click [OK].
The personal information is registered and displayed under Personal List.
If you have selected groups for the recipient, it will be displayed in the groups list.
6Click [OK].
If you have added the name, finish editing the phone book.
If you have added a recipient to the phone book for the first time, the dialog box for confirming whether
to save the phone book will be displayed.
7Click [Yes].
The [Save As] dialog box appears.
8Locate the folder you want to save the file to, enter the file name, and then click [Save].
The phone book is saved as a new file.
%The [Save As] dialog box appears only when you have added the first recipient to a phone book.
When you change the phone book the second and subsequent times, the [Save As] dialog box will
not appear and the existing file is automatically overwritten.
%The saved phone book file automatically appears when you open the phone book next time. To
open a different phone book file, click the [File] menu of the [Phone Book Entry] dialog box, and then
select [Open...]. Saving multiple phone book files allows you to switch between these files to locate
the desired one.
%To create a new phone book file, click the [File] menu of the [Phone Book Entry] dialog box, and then
select [New]. From the [File] menu, select [Save As...] to save it with a different name.
%The extension of the phone book file is ".csv".