
4 Next, it will cause the file number of the next measurement to appear.

The measurement data obtained from power-ON (start of measurement) up to power-OFF (end of measurement) will be stored


in one file.

And, if the time for Auto-

Power-Off was set in the

instrument, the setting time is displayed.

A file number is given to each set of measurement data (power-ON to power-OFF). (Maximum: 399 files)

The time for Auto-Power-Off is set by using the optional software.

If the time for Auto-Power-Off has not been set, this step will be skipped and the measurement display will appear.

6 About 10 seconds after the Power is switched O N , m e a s u r e m e n t s will be started and the measurement data at 1-second intervals will be stored in the memory of the PULSOX-300i.

“ - - - ” i s d i s p l a y e d u n t i l t h e m e a s u r i n g d a t a i s calculated.

<Regarding the measurement data>

Pulse level meter is started to indicate but the measuring data is not displayed yet.

The measuring data is calculated and displayed, and the measurement is started.

The measurement data includes the measurement values (SpO2 value, pulse rate, and error message information) and the file information (file number, date and time of start of measurements, and duration of measurement).