Tone Adjust 9–1: AMS Mixer
In addition to supporting the standard Tone Adjust EG
parameters, the AL-1 adds the following separate
controls for both EG3 and EG4:
Attack time (relative)
Decay & Slope time (relative)
Sustain level (relative)
Release time (relative)
In addition to supporting the standard Tone Adjust
LFO parameters, the AL-1 adds the following separate
LFO 3 Speed (relative)
LFO 3 Fade (relative)
LFO 3 Delay (relative)
LFO 3 Stop (absolute)
LFO 4 Speed (relative)
LFO 4 Fade (relative)
LFO 4 Delay (relative)
LFO 4 Stop (absolute)
LFO 1, 2, 3, and 4 Waveform (absolute)
LFO 1, 2, 3, and 4 Shape (absolute)
Step Sequencer
In addition to supporting the standard Tone Adjust
Common Step Sequencer parameters, the AL-1 adds
the following separate control for the per-voice Step
Smoothing (relative)
Pitch Slope (absolute)
Pitch LFO AMS Intensity (absolute)