Playing and Editing Programs
4. Press a PROG BANK [A]–[GM] button to
switch banks.
When you select a different Bank, the button’s
LED will light, and the selected bank will
appear on the left side of the display.
For example, to select bank B, press the PROG
BANK [B] button. The [B] button will light, and
the name Bank B will appear in the left of the
Each time you press the [GM] button, the bank
will alternate as shown below.

Auditioning the sound

5. Play a note on the keyboard to hear the sound
you selected.
Alternatively, you can press the [AUDITION]
button (the button will light) to turn on the
Audition function and the X50 will
automatically play a riff (phrase) suitable for
the selected program.

Overview: Program Banks

When shipped from the factory, it is loaded with
512 Programs. You can also save any programs
that you create.
Programs are organized into five banks as shown
in the following table.
Program banks
Selecting by Category
You can select Programs from within a category,
such as keyboard, organ, bass, and drums.
When shipped from the factory, the preloaded
Programs are organized into 16 categories.
In the PROG 0: Play page you can select programs
by category as follows.

Selecting programs by category

1. Press the [CATEGORY] button.
The category menu will appear. The categories
are displayed in the left side of the screen, and a
list of the programs in the selected category are
displayed in the right side.
2. You can use the [PAGE+][PAGE–] buttons to
step through the categories one by one.
3. By using the [VALUE] dial or the ClickPoint
[π][] to select programs, you can step
through the programs in the same category.
4. Press the [MENU/OK] button to confirm your
selection. If you decide not to select a program,
press the [EXIT/CANCEL] button.
Note: You can also switch categories by using the
ClickPoint [][®] to select “Category No.” in the
top line of the category menu and then turning the
[VALUE] dial.

Using Cat.HOLD to select by category

1. Press the [./HOLD] button to display “Cat.
The category will be held.
2. Use the ClickPoint to select “Category,” and
use the [INC][DEC] buttons or the [VALUE]
dial to choose a category.
Bank Prog.
No. Explanation
A, B,
C, D 000…
With the factory settings, these
banks contain a wide variety of
preloaded programs that use
the internal PCM ROM
multisamples, effects, and
arpeggio patterns.
128 programs can be written or
rewritten to each bank (for a
total of 512).
128 GM
programs These banks contain 128 GM
programs and nine GM drum
programs that are compatible
with the GM sound map. The
programs of these banks are
Bank G contains the GM
programs. G lets you select 128
programs numbered from 001–
128, and g(d) lets you select
nine drum programs.
You can’t write (save) data to
these banks.
g(d) 001…
128 GM2 drum
Sel (Select)Category No.
Category Program
31 42