Dynamic modulation and BPM/MIDI Sync.


Quick StartIntroductionSetupProgram
MultiEffectGlobalArpeggiatorDrum Kit
External control
Other functions
In this example, IFX is used by 2 (timbre 2) and 5
(timbre 5).
In the same way as for a program, you can select
the insert effect, turn it on/off, and set the “Pan
(CC#8),” “BUS Select,” “S1” (Send 1 (MFX1)), and
“S2” (Send2 (MFX2)) parameters that follow the
insert effect. (p.82)
Master effects
Master EQ
These settings are made in the same way as for
programs (p.83).

Specifying the MIDI channel that will

control effects

Insert effect

You can specify the MIDI channel that will control
the insert effect dynamic modulation (Dmod) and
the “Pan” (CC#8), “Send 1 (MFX1),” and “Send 2
(MFX2)” settings that follow the insert effect.
An asterisk “*” is shown at the right of Ch01–16
for the channel numbers of timbres that are routed
to IFX. If multiple timbres/tracks of different
MIDI channels are routed to IFX, set the “Control
Channel” to specify the channel you’ll use to con-
trol the effect.
For a combination, you will normally use the Gch
(global MIDI channel) to control the effect.
For a multi set, you can use any MIDI channel that
is convenient.
“All Rt.” stands for All Routed, indicating that
you can control the effect using the channel of any
timbre/track that is routed.

Master effects

You can specify the MIDI channel that will control
dynamic modulation (Dmod) for the master effects.
For a combination, you will normally use the Gch
(global MIDI channel) to control the effects.
For a multi set, you can use any MIDI channel that
is convenient.
Dynamic modulation and BPM/MIDI Sync.
Dynamic modulation (Dmod) is a function that
lets you use MIDI messages or the X50’s control-
lers to control specific effect parameters in real-
BPM/MIDI Sync. is another function that controls
effect parameters, and is used to synchronize the
LFO speed of modulation-type effects or the delay
time etc. of delay-type effects to the tempo of the
arpeggiator or an external sequencer.

Using dynamic modulation to con-

trol effects in realtime

These examples show how you can use dynamic
modulation to control an effect parameter in real-
1. As described in the procedure for “Effect
settings for a program” (p.81), set “IFX” to
49: LCR BPM Delay. Verify that a delay sound
is being output.
Then continue on to set the items described

Moving the [MOD] wheel to vary the

delay level via Dmod

1. Access the PROG 8: Ed–InsertFX, IFX page.
2. Set “InLvl Mod” to +100.
3. Set “Src” to M.Whl#1.
The [MOD] wheel will control the input level to
the effect.
If this is set to M.Whl#1, moving the [MOD]
wheel up will gradually increase the level of
the delayed signal.

Using the Dmod function and [SW1] to

vary the feedback level

1. In the PROG 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls, Controls page,
set the function of “SW1” to SW1 Mod.
(CC#80), Toggle.