Playing and Editing Programs


Modulating the pitch

Pitch bend

The PBend+ and PBend– settings specify the
amount of pitch change (in semitones) that will
occur when MIDI pitch bend messages are
received or when the [PITCH] wheel. A setting of
+12 allows the pitch to be controlled a maximum
of one octave upward; a setting of –12 allows the
pitch to be controlled a maximum of one octave
“Ribbon (#16)” specifies the amount of pitch
change (in units of a semitone) that will occur
when CC#16 is received (or when you operate the
ribbon controller of a connected TRITON Extreme
or similar device).


Portamento makes the pitch change smoothly
when you play the next note before releasing the
previous note.
The “Time” parameter controls how long it take
the pitch to change. As this value is increased, the
pitch will change over a longer time. With a value
of 000, there will be no portamento.
You can turn Portamento on and off via [SW1] or
[SW2], by assigning them to Porta.SW CC#65.

Creating Vibrato

You can use an LFO to create vibrato.
LFO 1/2 Intensity sets the depth to which the
selected LFO will affect the pitch. With a setting of
+12.00, vibrato will produce a maximum of ±1
octave of pitch change.
“Mod. Whl. Int.” specifies the depth of the vibrato
effect created by the LFO when you move the
[MOD] wheel or when CC#1 is received.
“AMS Intensity” specifies the depth of the vibrato
effect created by LFO when you operate an AMS
(Alternate Modulation Source). For example, sup-
pose you set “LFO1 AMS” to KnobM1 [+] (Knob
Mod1: CC#17), and raise the “AMS Intensity.” If
Knob B Assign “Knob 1-B” is set to Knob Mod.1
(CC#17), vibrato will be applied when you turn
the X50’s knob [1] or when CC#17 is received.

Pitch EG

When the Intensity value is set to +12.00, the pitch
EG specified in the Pitch EG page will produce a
maximum of ±1 octave of pitch change.
To realistically simulate the slight change in pitch
that occurs when a string is plucked or at the
attack of a brass or vocal sound, you can use the
EG to create a subtle change in pitch at the attack.
Using Filters
The filters allows you to diminish or emphasize
specified frequency areas of the sound.
The tone of the sound will depend significantly
on the filter settings.
X50 provides Filter1 for OSC1 and Filter2 for
OSC2. For each of these filters, you can select from
two types (Low Pass Resonance or Low Pass &
High Pass). Filter2 can be used if “Mode (Oscilla-
tor Mode)” is set to Double.
Overtones included
in the original multi-
Frequency (pitch)
Frequency (pitch)
Filter characteristics
This area of overtones
will be diminished
Overtones after
passing through
the filter