Using and Editing Multi sets
Control via MIDI
Multi mode enables the X50 to function as a MIDI
tone generator that is controlled from the con-
nected computer to play ensemble music consist-
ing of multiple instrument parts. This mode also
permits you to use the X50 as a GM tone genera-

Parameters and performance data

A multi set consists of tracks 1–16, parameters
such as the multi set name, effect and arpeggiator
parameters, and a tempo setting.
You can store 128 of these multi sets in the X50.
Tracks 1–16 consist of the following “setting
parameters,” and will transmit and receive the
“performance data” listed below.

MIDI tracks 1–16

Setup parameters
Bank/Program No.*, Pan*, Volume*, Status, MIDI
Channel, Bank Select (When Status=EX2), Force
OSC Mode, OSC Select, Portamento*, Transpose**,
Detune**, Bend Range**, OSC On/Off Ctrl, Delay,
Use Program's Scale, MIDI Filter, Key Zone, Veloc-
ity Zone, Track Name, IFX/Indiv.Out BUS Select,
Send1(MFX1)*, Send2(MFX2)*

Performance data

Note On/Off
Program Change (including Bank Select)
Pitch Bend
After Touch (Poly After)
Control Change
Exclusive Message


* You can record tempo as performance data by
adjusting it while you realtime-record onto an
external MIDI sequencer. By receiving this data,
you can change the setting of the multi set during
the playback.
** You can use performance data (MIDI RPN data)
to change the settings of a multi set during play-
Other parameters: By editing the settings during
realtime recording, you can record the corre-
sponding MIDI exclusive messages as perfor-
mance data on your external MIDI sequencer. This
gives you a way to change the settings of the multi
set during playback. (GLOBAL 1: MIDI, MIDI Fil-
ter “Exclusive” must be checked.)
For details on Control Change messages and
RPN (PG p.172, 175).
For details on MIDI System Exclusive messages
(PG p.176).

Default Settings in Multi Mode

The following table shows the default settings for
Multi mode that are automatically selected, when
GM Initialize is executed, or when the X50
receives a GM ON messages (F0 7E 7F 09 01 F7).
Parameter Track1–9, 11–16 Track10
0Program Select G001: Acoustic Piano g001: (d): STANDARD Kit
Pan C064 C064
Volume 100 100
2Status The setting remains unchanged
Use Program’s Scale The setting remains unchanged
7Arpeggiator Assign The setting remains unchanged
Other Arpeggiator parameters The setting remains unchanged
8IFX/Indiv.Out BUS Select L/R DKit
Send1(MFX1) 0 0
Send2(MFX2) 40 40
IFX The setting remains unchanged
Pan(CC#8) The setting remains unchanged
BUS Select The setting remains unchanged
Send1 The setting remains unchanged
Send2 The setting remains unchanged
Other Insert Effect parameters The setting remains unchanged
9MFX1 16: St. Chorus
MFX2 53: Rev Smth. Hall
Return1 127
Return2 050
Other Master Effect and Master EQ parameters Default settings