Kramer Electronics user manual Your WP-220EXGA/Audio/Video Line Driver

Models: WP-220E

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4 Your WP-220E XGA/Audio/Video Line Driver

Your WP-220E XGA/Audio/Video Line Driver

￿￿2 video outputs (an amplified and equalized RGBHV output on 5 BNC connectors, and a video output 2-pin connector that connects to the coax cable (one pin is for the composite video signal, and the other is for the Ground))

￿￿2 unbalanced stereo audio inputs (a PC audio input on a 3.5mm mini jack, and an audio line input on left and right RCA connectors)

￿￿2 balanced stereo audio outputs (a PC audio output on a terminal block connector, and an audio line output on a terminal block connector)

In particular, the WP-220Ehas:

￿￿Left and right audio level controls

￿￿EQ. control to adjust the XGA cable compensation (equalization) level

￿￿EQ., and level controls to adjust the CV cable compensation (equalization) level

￿￿Video bandwidth of 500MHz, that ensures transparent operation for all resolutions

￿￿A standard 12 Volt DC feed

Achieving the best performance means:

￿￿Connecting only good quality connection cables, thus avoiding interference, deterioration in signal quality due to poor matching, and elevated noise levels (often associated with low quality cables)

￿￿Avoiding interference from neighboring electrical appliances and positioning your WP-220Eaway from moisture, excessive sunlight and dust

4 Your WP-220E XGA/Audio/Video Line Driver

This section defines the WP-220EXGA/Audio/Video Line Driver:

￿￿Available in 3 versions (see section 4￿ .1)

￿￿Front panel (see section 4￿ .2)

￿￿Top side panel (see section 4￿ .3)

￿￿Lower side panel (see section 4￿ .4)

￿￿RGBHV Outputs (see section 4￿ .5)




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Kramer Electronics user manual Your WP-220EXGA/Audio/Video Line Driver