Thankyou for your purchaseof the Krell KAV-250cd/2Front Loading CompactDisc Player. TheKAV-250cd/2features a high precision disc transport mechanismandhigh performanceanalogcircuitry that provide Krell soundquality at an exceptional value. TheHDCD® decodingcapability addsfurther dimensionto the KAV-250cd/2's superbresolution andclarity.
Krell ClassA direct coupledcircuitry meansthat the KAV-250cd/2 can be easily integrated into your system,via a preamp/processor, using either balancedor single-endedanalogoutputs, or digital outputs. Thewireless infrared remotecontrol as well as the remote control connectionoptions on the backpanel allow you to integrate the KAV-250cd/2into whole housesystemsandeasily operate it and other system components.
This owner's reference manualcontains important information on placement,installation, andoperation of the KAV-250cd/2Please. readthis information carefully. A thoroughunderstandingof these details will help ensuresatisfactory operationandlong life for your KAV-250cd/2and related system components.
Thefirst timethe KAV-250ccY2ispluggedin, there is a 30-seconddelay beforeyoucanswitchto the operationalmodeDo.not pressthe powerbutton or keyuntil thefront paneldisplayilluminates.