There are no
warranty,per!od, beginson ~the date of purchaseand is activated witla tlae return ot the enclosedWarra.ntyCard and a copyof the Sales receipt. Please return tlae war- ranty cardimmediatelyafter successful installation and operation are completed.
The warranty for Krell products is valid ~ in t.he coun- t~ry to whichthey wereoriginally shippeda.nd at tlae ta.ctory. If youthink there are pr.oblemsw.itla yourunit, pleasecontact yourdealer, distrit)utor or tlae tactory ~mmediately.
~he operatingvoltageof this unit is determ,ined b.y the acto_ry and c.a.n only be changedby an autlagrized KREELdistrit~utor or the
[~zed volta.ge cooversio~nwill void the warranty.Should e operating voltage ot your
contact KRELLIndustries.
Plea~s.e do not return, any unit to KRELLfor repair with- out first calling to cliscuss the problemandto obtain a Return Authorization
distributor is yourresponsibili.ty. Returnfreight to you will be paid by the factory or distributor. Anyunautho-
r.ized disassembly,.updatesor modificationsperformedto the unit will voidthe warranty.