.Q. WhenI turn up the volumeon the
A. Humcan be causedby_ several different disturbances. Checkto makesure all of the cables in and out of the
Youalso could be experiencing a groundloop in the
system. Aground loop can be ca.used whe.n several. componentswith diffdrent groundpotentials are in the system. Groundloops can often be easily correcte.d. Consult your dealer or KRELLfor system grounding considerations.
Q. Can the
A. Yes, the
Q. WhenI select the B 1 input on the
A. Morethan likely there is not a problemwith the
to the other channel and vice versa to determinewhether a cable is defective. If the problemswitchesto the other channel,it is a defective cable. If the problemdoes not
moveto the other channel and remains the sameafter cables have been switched, checkthe wiring at the input
of the KI~.C,2with the sameprocess. If it is not cable or source related call your dealer or KRELL.
Checkto makesure there are no LED'silluminated in the Balancecontrol section of the front panel. If there are, correct the balance by pushingthe balance contol switches until no LEDson the balance control section are illuminated.