Thank you for your purchase of the KRELLKRC-2. remote control preamplifier. The KRC-2combinesthe latest eV.olutionsin preamL~lifiertechnologywith a radical approaclato remotecontrol circuitry. The-KRC-is2 part
oI" a newgener.ation, of KRELLproducts whereconve- nienceis united witla exceptionalsonic quality.
To obtain the best performance.fromyour KRC-2,carefu.1 attention sh.ould be paid to its placement,installation anti operation. Athor~oughunderstandingof these detail.s will help insure satistactory operationand long life for the KRC-2and related system components.
This Owner'sReferenceis divided into several sections,
eac.h designedto perfor_,ma different function. Asyou read through the Owners Reference you will beco.me bet.ter acquaintedwith the features and functions that makethe KRC-2a superb value, A Question and Answer section is included wtiere answers to commonquestions are provided. Shouldyou have any questions or sugges- tioffs please feel free to contact your authorizeddearer or
the KRELLstaff for assistance.
In the unlikely event that your .KRC-2should. require service, youwill be pleas6_dto ~lgaowtlaat it is backedbya compretiensive Customerbatistaction policy and one of the mostadvancedservice facilities in the industry. For detailed informationon the terms and conditions of ser- vice, please consult your warrantyregistration card, your authorized KRELLDealer or Distributor.