Q. Should I leave the
A. Although you could leave the
~WhenIpush the powerbutton on the front of the
shouldI c[o?
A. Unplugthe amplifier from the ACreceptacle and removethe input fromthe amplifier. Checkthe output connections, then plugthe amplifier back in. Checl~the circuit breakeron
Q. WhenI turn the amplifier on there is a loud hum through the speakers. There was never a humbefore the
A. Often whena newcomponentis introduced into an audio system a hummay15ec.omepresent. This is often causedby_a groundloop in tlae system._Tryputting a 3 prong to 2 prong ACadaptor (cheate.r plug) on the powercord, lifting the groundfromthe unit. This sho.uld makethe humdisappear. If not, try another adaptor else- wherein the system.
NOTE:Always keep one major audio component grounded.
NOTE:Even though the ground is lifted from the power amplifier,it .is still gr~ou.ndedvia the interconnectcables throughoutthe rest ot tt~e system.
Q. Can I use special audio powerc~rds on the
or MDA'500? | ' |
A. Youcan experiment with special powercords as long as they are groundedon both ends and meet the amplifier's I5 amppowerrequirement.