5100TK OPR 6270US R060106
Always refer to Operating Safety Precautions and Safety Decal sections of this manual before operating this mixer.
Do not adjust the Hay Stops while the mixer is running. Moving feed inside the mixer can make the Hay Stop move suddenly causing injury to the person adjusting it.
The mixer is equipped with two adjustable “Hay Stops”, one located at the right front and the other at the left rear of the mixer. The purpose of the “Hay Stops” is to provide better control of the processing and mixing of long stem forages into the ration. There are a total of 5 positions for the hay stops, and by doing some experimenting with the settings, you will be able to determine the proper settings for your ration. The most common setting for normal forage rations that include some alfalfa hay is the #2 high position (see figure above).
High Positions
The high positions on the hay stops (#1 & #2) will tend to slow the movement of the long stem hay and lighter, bulkier materials early in the processing and mixing sequence. This allows the auger/knives to “cut” the hay more aggressively. The feed flow will be slowed down, when the #1 setting is used, and may result in more feed “boiling” inside the mixer, and may increase feed spillage in certain materials. When using very light, bulky materials like dry grasses, the #1 setting is recommended. When processing and mixing most alfalfa bales and other forages, the #2 setting is recommended. If the ration forage length becomes too short, then move one or both stops to the #3 neutral setting.
Low Position
The low positions (#4 & #5) will give a more aggressive cutting action later in the load sequence. Because the low position hay stops are located closer to the bottom knives and auger flighting, they interact more aggres- sively with feed that moves through the lower half of the auger. These positions are more desirable if heavier rations are mixed, or if fine, short stem lengths are required. These low positions could also be used in breaking up frozen chunks of feed, getting a fine cut on hay already torn apart when loaded, or to aid breakup of feed by- products.
Note: The low positions (#4 & #5) generally increase the horsepower requirements, and should be used with care for most high forage/hay rations that use dry bulky forages, or that need to maintain a longer stem length.
Neutral Position
If your ration does not include significant amounts of long stem hay, or if you experience significant hay “boiling“ and spillage, then the hay stops can be set in a neutral position. This allows the feed to travel more freely end to
end, and reduces the amount of stem length reduction while mixing.
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