Better Buys for Business
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Editor’s Choice

Award Winners

Business Ink Jet Printer Guide
Hewlett-Packard Officejet Pro K550 family — page 129
Hewlett-Packard Officejet Pro K850/K850dn — page 128
From the nation’s leading independent authority on office equipment
Look for the Editor’s Choice
emblem inside the guide.

About the Award

What is an Editor’s Choice Award?
This award signifies the best values in each product cat-
egory, as determined independently by our expert edito-
rial staff.
Howoften are awards given?
Our Editor’s Choice ratings are awarded once per year
with each updated guide.
What are the selection criteria?
In each Better Buys guide, we evaluate models from all
major manufacturers. Machines are rigorously analyzed
to determine (1) the strength of their features and speci-
fications and (2) how they stack up against competitors.
Our independent Editor’s Choice Awards go to those
models thatwebelieve will deliver the highest levels of
performance and offer the greatest value for consumers
in a given price range.
Where can I find information about each
brand and model?
The page references at the right show where to turn for
write-ups in the Vendor & Product Profiles section. For
example, “Hewlett-Packard Officejet Pro K550 family
page 129” means that the product profile appears on
page 129.