Using This Electronic Document

This document was designed to be read on screen or printed out.

Moving Around in the Document:

All links appear in blue text. In order to follow a link, click on the hand icon in
the toolbar at the top of your screen, and then click on blue text. You will
automatically go to the referenced page.
The arrow keys at the top of your screen will also move you around the
document: back, forward, to the first page, and to the last page.
Clicking on a topic in the bookmark window at the left of your screen will take
you to that page in the document. Click on the tiny arrow to the left of a topic to
see more.
To search for a specific word or topic, choose Find from the Tools menu or click
on the binoculars icon in the toolbar.

Reader Online Guide:

For additional instructions on using Acrobat Reader, select “Reader Online
Guide” from your Help menu. This contains detailed information about viewing
articles, finding topics, advanced searches, zooming in, and moving through the

Specifications/Prices Charts:

The specifications/prices charts at the back of the guide were designed to be
printed out. Unless you have a 17-inch or larger monitor, these may be difficult to
view on screen.
Page numbers at the bottom of each chart entry do act as links to the associated
product write-up. (For technical reasons they do not appear in blue.)