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fice a little on text quality in this mode). These features
suggest that the Phaser 7760 is well suited for use on
graphic arts color printing and able to perform as an
office printer as well.
Operating costs: Operating costs on the Phaser 7760
are quite good. The cost for a black-and-white page is
around 1.4¢, a little less than most color printers. The
color price per page is around 5.5¢. That’s better than
most models in the color printer market.
Conclusion: We believe this is a terrific multipurpose
printer family.The machines are able to perform as office
printers as well as superb graphic arts printers. The cost
of operation is good, and the input and output options
are above average. We’re also impressed by the image
quality we’ve seen from this printer series. Its biggest
challenges on the graphics front is the Sharp AR-C360P,
which do quite well in color quality,too. The Ricoh fam-
ily has a lower cost per page and matches up well in terms
of input and output, while the Sharp model offers com-
parable performance for about half the price. The Phaser
7760 models are not cheap, though they are economical
to run. If your needs match their strengths, they’re an
excellent solution. They get our Editor’s Choice Award.
Chart entries — page 124
Better Buys for Business
Coming Soon....Coming Soon....The Color Copier Guide
Full-color copiers that can also double as
upscale color printers. Prices from $2,000 to
and higher.
The Office Laser Printer Guide
Black-and-white laser printers that run at up to
49ppm. These machines can be either
personal, workgroup, or departmental models.
The Laser Fax Guide
Covers laser plain-paper faxes, many of which
also have low-end multifunctional capabilities.
The Printer Multifunctional Guide
Small-office multifunctionals and multifunction-
al office printers that print at up to 50ppm.
These also copy, scan, and fax, and include
both ink jet and laser machines that operate in
black-and-white and color.
The Mid-Volume Copier
&Multifunctional Guide
Black-and-white copiers and multifunctionals
(copy,print, fax, and scan) that cruise at 20–49
pages per minute and support 11" x 17" — best
suited for 10,000–40,000 copies per month.