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Product Profiles
20ppm full color
20ppm black & white
Same Machine as the now-discontinued Lexmark C752dtn
Note: That model is the predecessor to the current C762
family, and is slower and less powerful but has similar
paper-handling features.
Chart entry — page 111
28ppm full color
28ppm black & white
Same Machine as the discontinued Lexmark C912dn
Note: That machine was the predecessor to the current
C920 family,and is slower and less powerful but has sim-
ilar paper-handling features.
Chart entry — page 111
Rancho Dominguez, CA
310 900 5270
Vendor Profile
Samsung has made its mark in the black-and-white laser
printer market, becoming one of the dominant compa-
nies in that area over the past few years. More recently,
the Korean company moved into color laser printing.
Samsung’s printer division is growing in importance.
Formerly a subunit of the conglomerate’s Dallas-based
telecom operation, the printer division has moved to
Southern California and now has the stature of a full-
fledged Samsung subsidiary — a move that has facilitat-
ed its sales, marketing, and branding efforts.
Samsung has between 200 and 300 national dealersand
resellers.And it’s been having success at retail stores,
challenging HP in the small-office/home-office area with
strong sub-$1,000 offerings.
Product Profiles
Samsung CLP-510
Samsung CLP-510N
5ppm full color
25ppm black & white
Samsung CLP-550
Samsung CLP-550N
5ppm full color
21ppm black & white
Sum-up: Personal and small workgroup printers that face
stiff competition.
These Samsung models are similar in most respects. Note
that the lower-numbered models (the CLP-510 and CLP-
510N) are actually a little faster than the higher-num-
bered ones (the CLP-550 and CLP-550N). That’s because
the CLP-510’s engine was upgraded from the CLP-500,
while the CLP-550 models are older.The CLP-550 print-
ers offer 5ppm color printing and 21ppm black-and-white
printing. The CLP-510 printers are rated at 5ppm in
color, 25ppm in black. Like many of Samsung’s prod-
ucts, this series is directed at the personal or small work-
group user.
There are four printers in this series, namely:
lThe CLP-510, which is a GDI-only printer ($400)
lThe CLP-510N, which adds an Ethernet card ($500)
lThe CLP-550, which offers PCL 6 and PostScript 3
but no standard Ethernet ($575)
lThe CLP-550N,which offers PCL 6, PostScript 3, and
standard Ethernet ($671)
All four models have 266MHz processors. The CLP-
510, CLP-510N, and CLP-550 start with 64MB of mem-
ory, while the CLP-550N comes with 128MB.The CLP-
510 models max out at 192MB, while the CLP-550
machines can be expanded to 320MB and (for the CLP-
550N) 384MB. This extra memory may be helpful,as the
CLP-550 machines are PostScript-capable.
These printers are capable of running at up to an inter-
polated resolution of 1,200dpi. The maximum paper size
is 8.5" x 14". USB, parallel, and (on the “N” models)
100BaseT Ethernet are included. A wireless Ethernet
solution is available.
These printers are both Mac OS X- and Linux-compat-
ible. These also have a feature Samsung calls “NO-
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