44 Entire Contents © 2006 ProgressiveBusiness Publications.Copying of Pages Prohibited.To Order:800 247 2185 or www.betterbuys.com
The CLP-600N also lacks PostScript support, which
comes standard on the CLP-650N. Both do, however,
have standard Ethernet and USB interfaces, and wireless
functionality is available as an option.
Paper supply for these machines is acceptable for their
price range. They have a 250-sheet tray standard and a
100-sheet bypass tray.An optional 500-sheet tray is avail-
able. Duplex isn’t available, even as an option, for either
Predictably, consumables costs are on the high end:
15.3¢ per color page and 3.09¢ per black page.
Still, these are respectable machines for their cost.
We’re concerned about the CLP-600N’s modest (and
limited) memory and lack of PostScript support. For
these reasons, we’d go with the CLP-650N,which comes
with far more memory and PostScript for only $200
more. Both machines, however, get our Editor’s Choice
Chart entries — page 113
Stamford, CT
203 967 5000
Vendor Profile
Savin, a subsidiary of Ricoh, sells relabeled Ricoh print-
ers, copiers,faxes, and digital duplicators under the Savin
brand through a strong network of dealers and direct-
sales branches. Savin machines are identical to their
respective Ricoh counterparts.
Note that Savin announced the names of its three print-
ersbased on the Ricoh GelSprinter series.These arethe
GX3000, the GX3050N,and the GX5050N. These corre-
spond to the similarly named Ricoh products on page 39.
Product Profiles
Savin CLP22
22ppm full color
22ppm black & white
Same Machine as the Ricoh Aficio CL3500N
Chart entry — page 114
Savin CLP831
8ppm full color
31ppm black & white
Same Machine as the Ricoh Aficio CL1000N
Chart entry — page 114
Savin CLP128
28ppm full color
32ppm black & white
Same Machine as the Ricoh Aficio CL7200
Chart entry — page 114
Savin CLP135 D
35ppm full color
35ppm black & white
Same Machine as the Ricoh Aficio CL7300D
This model has been discontinued.
Chart entry — page 115
Mahwah, NJ
800 237 4277
Vendor Profile
Sharpis a large Japanese manufacturer that has built a
solid reputation in the office equipment industry. It sells
afull range of printers, copiers, and fax machines, along
with several small-office and workgroup
Sharp’s desktop printers are based on its copiers and
printer-based multifunctionals. We’ve included the print-
er-only versions in this volume. Some of Sharp’s newer
multifunctional models,while similar to the machines we
document here, have no corresponding printer unit.They
can be found in our Color Copier Guide (see back cover for
Sharp distributes its printersthrough a network of deal-
ers, distributors, and retail stores.
Better Buys for Business
Update information and more
The Office Laser Printer Guide
Black-and-white laser printers that run at up
to 49ppm. These machines can be either
personal, workgroup, or departmental models.