Kyocera KM-NET manual Printing System Settings

Models: KM-NET

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5. Printing System Settings

Printing System Settings

5. Printing System Settings

You can make frequently used settings as default.


Specifies the number of copies. The default setting is 1.


Produces the specified number of copies as complete sets of


documents. The default setting is disabled (not checked).


Specifies the layout of the output. The following layouts are


available: Reduce Image to Fit, Through, Catalog (Left to


Right), Catalog (Right to Left), Booklet (Left Edge Binding)


and Booklet (Right Edge Binding). The default setting is


Reduce Image to Fit.


When you select Reduce Image to Fit, the image is enlarged


or reduced to fit the printing area of the paper specified in


Paper Size.


When you select Through, the image is printed in the same


size as the original page regardless of paper size.


When you select Catalog (Left to Right), Catalog (Right to


Left), Booklet (Left Edge Binding) or Booklet (Right Edge


Binding), the printing order is as follows.


• Catalog (Left to Right)

Original page order

Printing result


KM-NET for Direct Printing

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Kyocera KM-NET manual Printing System Settings