Radio reception icon
To display the alarm time in normal mode display
To exit the setting modes
The radio-controlled clock's LCD is divided into 2 sections and once the batteries are inserted, all the segments will light up briefly before displaying the information for time, date, indoor and outdoor temperatures.
WWVB time 

Alarm icon
Indoor temperature | Outdoor temperature display |
Date | Weekday |
The weather forecasting feature is estimated to be 75% accurate. The weather forecast is based solely upon the change of air pressure over time. The WS-8157U averages past air- pressure readings to provide an accurate forecast, creating a necessity to disregard all weather forecasting for 12-24 hours after the unit has been set-up, reset, or moved from one altitude to another (i.e. from one floor of a building to another floor). In areas where the weather is not affected by the change of air pressure, this feature will be less accurate.
Weather Icons
There are 3 possible weather icons that will be displayed in the LCD 2:
Sunny—indicates that the weather is expected to improve (not that the weather will be sunny).