Clocking IN/Out - Card & Face Verification
• Move the badge over the badge reader symbol on the front of
the FaceIN.
• When the badge is in close proximity to the FaceIN, a
confirmation beep will sound.
• The employee should step towards the terminal and stop
when within 9 - 25 inches; the terminal will detect the
employee and start the face recognition automatically.
• With the face detected, the screen will display a green radar
screen rotating clockwise over the employee’s image. A
message will display at the bottom of the screen guiding the
• When the employee’s face is in the correct position, a green
lined frame will display on the screen, and a green bar will
scan the employee’s image from top to bottom.
• During the face recognition process, the terminal will provide
guidance for the employee, such as: “Please Get Closer”,
“Please Get Farther” or “Adjust Your Action”.
• Upon successful verification the terminal will play a
confirmation sound and the screen will display the
employee’s first name and time of the punch.
Clocking IN/Out - Card Verification
The Card Verification method only requires that the employee
present their badge and then the terminal will take a snapshot of the
person presenting the badge, no facial verification occurs.