Playing the Game
1. Spin and collect the piece for the fraction value you spun. Hold this piece in your hand with the
fraction side facing you.
2. Continue collecting pieces in this way until you have enough pieces collected to make  of a pizza
(For example, one  piece and two  pieces).
3. Once you have collected enough pieces to equal  on your next turn, instead of spinning, you may
replace any opponent’s GAME PLAYPIZZA with the pieces from your hand.
(In our example, your opponent will now have one  piece and two  pieces for their
4. Your opponent’s  piece that is replaced should be discarded to the side. It will not be used again.
5. After this is done, other players may use the pieces in their hands to take away an equivalent piece
from your opponent’s GAME PLAYPIZZA or to remove a SAFETY piece instead of spinning.
(SAFETY pieces must be removed first before pieces in the GAME PLAYPIZZA may be removed.)
Todo this:
• Pieces taken away must either be the same or equivalent fractions. (For example, your  piece
for your opponent’s  piece, or your  piece for two of your opponent’s pieces.)
• Both your opponent’s piece(s) and your piece(s) are then returned to the center piles.
• Your opponent will now have less than  of their pizza left.
6. If you do not have a piece in your hand that can be used to remove one of your opponent’s pieces,
spin and collect a piece. Yourturn is now over, even if the piece you collected can be played.
7. Play continues until only one player has pieces left in their GAME PLAY PIZZA. This player wins the
Special notes
1. All pieces that are taken away from a GAME PLAY PIZZA, should be returned to the center
piles, except for the  pieces (which are set aside).
2. The piece(s) you use to take away an opponent’s piece should also be returned to the center
The spinner
If you spin SAFETY,choose any fraction piece from the center and put it on top of your
GAME PLAYPIZZA. This safety piece must be removed before the  slice can be divided or
the piece that you place it on can be taken away.The safety piece may be any fraction
value you choose.
If you spin FREE, choose any piece from the center piles.