Game #7: Eat Up!
2-3 players
Skill: Finding Factors
Object of the game: To be the player to collect the most pieces by determining the factors of the
denominator you spun.
Set up
1. Use game #7 spinner.
2. Sort the remaining pieces into piles by size with the fraction-side up.
Playing the Game
1. Spin to see which denominator you have to find the factors for.
(The denominator in a fraction is the bottom number of the fraction. The numerator is the top
number. A factoris a number that can be used to divide another number evenly with no
2. Collect the fraction pieces whose denominators will divide evenly into the factor that you spun.
(For example, if you spun the number 4 you would collect one  and one  piece because 4 can
be divided evenly by both 2 and 4: 4 ÷ 2 = 2 and 4 ÷ 4 = 1.)
3. Take one piece for each correct factor found, which means you may take more than one piece at a
time. (As in our example, there were two pieces that you could take!) Youmay use a piece of paper
to help you.
4. Have another player check your answers using a piece of paper and a pencil or by using the
answer key located on the back page.
5. If there are no pieces left for what you spun, your turn ends.
6. The next player follows the same directions.
7. Play continues until all the pieces are taken.
8. The player who collects the most pieces wins!
Special notes
Each factor on the spinner has at least one fraction piece in the center piles that can be taken.
The spinner
If you spin FREE, choose any piece from the center piles..
Alternate game play
For a shorter game, decide on a number of pieces needed to collect to win the game.