to be measured will flash in the display. Take the


the perpendicular (min.) measuring function.


necessary measurements. The result and the single







measurements appear on the display.


Storage of Constants/Historical



CAUTION: Right angle is necessary between the




second measurement and the resulting distance. We



recommend to press the DIST - key {A, 1} longer to


Storage of a Constant


activate the perpendicular (min.) measuring function.






It is possible to store and recall a frequently used


Indirect Measuring - Determination with three


value e.g. height of a room. Measure the desired




distance, press and hold STORAGE - key {A, 7} until


See figure {L}


the device beeps to confirm the storage.








Press the PYTHAGORAS - key {A, 12} until the


Recalling the constant


correct symbol appears on the display. The length to


Press STORAGE - key {A, 7} to recall the constant


be measured appears flashing on the display. Take




and make it available with a press on the EQUAL - key


the necessary measurements. The result and the


{A, 5} for further calculations.


single measurements appear on the display.







CAUTION: Right angle is necessary between the


Special function: Adjusting the constant


second measurement and the resulting distance. We




A measured value can be adjusted. If you press the


recommend to press the DIST - key {A, 1} longer to




EQUAL - key {A, 5}, the value starts blinking and can


activate the perpendicular (min.) measuring function.




be adjusted with the PLUS - key {A, 3} or MINUS -


Indirect Measuring - Determination of a parti-


key {A, 13}. Through pressing the EQUAL - key {A, 5}


al height with three points


again the adjustment is confirmed. Now the value can


See figure {M}


be stored as usual as a constant.








Press the PYTHAGORAS - key {A, 12} until the


Historical Storage


correct symbol appears on the display. The length to


Press STORAGE - key {A, 7} twice quickly and the


be measured appears flashing on the display. Take


previous 20 results (measurements or calculated


the necessary measurements. The result and the


results) are shown in reverse order. Using the PLUS -


single measurements appear on the display.


key {A, 3} and the MINUS - key {A, 13} allows to


CAUTION: Right angle is necessary between the third


navigate in the historical storage. Press EQUAL - key


measurement and the resulting distance. We recom-


{A, 5} to take a result from the historical storage to


mend to press the DIST - key {A, 1} longer to activate


use for further calculations.










Leica DISTO™ A6 1.0.0 gb



