New special edition.
The LEICA M8.2 ‘Safari’
德國徠卡相機公司宣佈推出LEICA M8.2 Edition “Sa-
fari”狩獵限量版套裝,每款套裝內包括:LEICA M8.2“Safari”橄欖綠色機身、LEICA
Leica M8.2 Edition“Safari”是專為追求獨特、刺激
而又同時想保持低調的攝影追求者所設計。橄欖 綠的特別版機身,徠卡只曾生產過兩次。第一次 是1960年Leitz提供給德國聯邦國防軍“Bundeswe-
就是1977 / 78年的LEICA R3“Safari”。時至今日, 這兩款特別版型號的相機,已成為極之珍貴的相 機收藏品。
相機:LEICA M8.2“Safari”
機身頂蓋、底板、機背以及機身皮革 “Vulkanit” 都造成橄欖綠,與“Safari”狩獵的意思相互呼 應。 頂蓋刻有傳統Leica商標,機身上所有可活 動的按鈕都造成銀色,與銀色的鏡頭保持一致 性。相機規格則與M8.2完全相同。
輕 巧 、 靈 活 多 變 、 可 適 用 在 各 種 攝 影 場 合 的 28mm鏡頭,特別鑄造銀色限量版,並只與“Sa- fari”搭配作套裝組合。以鋁金屬鑄造的鏡身,
能使重量維持在180克,與黑色版鏡身的重量相 同,輕巧靈活。配以金屬鑄造的銀色遮光罩,堪 稱完美配搭!
Billingham Combination Bag M“Safari”相機袋
英 國 相 機 袋 製 造 商 B i l l i n g h a m , 特 別 為 L E I C A M8.2“Safari”製造了同樣是橄欖綠的相機袋。相
機袋以防水物料“FibreNyte”造成,配以棕褐色的 肩帶,與“Safari”徠卡相機組成完美套裝。內裡 活動式層格可依照不同相機及鏡頭作出調整。
棕褐色真皮肩帶,底層為防滑皮革,可防止相機 從肩膀下滑。肩帶中央刻有Leica經典圓形商標, 兩邊則以明顯的縫紉線作點綴。從設計到製造, 都可見徠卡的用心設計。
Leica M8.2 Edition“Safari”狩獵限量版套裝全球 限量發行500套。2009年2月起發售,每套售價
HK$75,000 。
With the special edition LEICA M8.2 ‘Safari’, Leica Camera AG, Solms presents a camera set with an ol- ive green outdoor look. This exclusive special edition is limited to 500 cameras worldwide.
The LEICA M8.2 ‘Safari’ set includes a LEICA M8.2 camera body in olive green paint finish and a silver anodised LEICA
brown trim especially for the ‘Safari’ edition. The bag offers sufficient room for the set, additional lenses and accessories.
The LEICA M8.2 ‘Safari’ edition camera model is in a durable olive green paint finish that is characterized by a particularly comfortable feel and grip. The vul- canite leathering of the camera body also follows the colour scheme of the top plate, the base plate and the camera back. This special paint finish lends the camera an appearance ideal for outdoor use and un- derlines the camera’s status as an unobtrusive tool for reportage photography.
The controls of the LEICA M8.2 ‘Safari’ edition are silver chromed and thus create a visual harmony with the silver finish of the LEICA
The special edition LEICA M8.2 ‘Safari’ is not the first Leica camera produced with this unusual colour scheme. The olive green finish was previously used for two other Leica camera models: in the 1960s, ol- ive
The LEICA M8.2 ‘Safari’ edition will be available from February 2009. The Suggested Retail Price is HK$75,000.-