Advanced Features
Default Schedule Screen This screen is displayed when the Define Schedule button on the Access Control
screen is clicked.
• This schedule can be (optionally) applied to any Access Control Group.
• Blocking will be performed during the scheduled time (between the "Start" and
"Finish" times.)
• Two (2) separate sessions or periods can be defined.
• Times must be entered using a 24 hr clock.
• If the time for a particular day is blank, no action will be performed.
Figure 29: Default Schedule Screen
Data - Default Schedule Screen
Day Each day of the week can scheduled independently.
Session 1
Session 2 Two (2) separate sessions or periods can be defined. Session
2 can be left blank if not required.
Start Time Enter the start using a 24 hr clock.
Finish Time Enter the finish time using a 24 hr clock.