Advanced Administration
Data - PC Database Screen Known PCs This lists all current entries (PCs or network devices).
Name If adding a new PC to the list, enter its name here. It is best if
this matches the PC's "hostname".
IP Address If adding a new PC to the list, enter the IP Address of the PC
here. The PC will be sent a "ping" to determine its hardware
address. If the PC is not available (not connected, or not pow-
ered On) you will not be able to add it.
Add This will add the new PC to the list. The PC will be sent a "ping"
to determine its hardware address. If the PC is not available (not
connected, or not powered On) you will not be able to add it.
Delete Delete the selected PC from the list. This should be done in 2
• The PC has been removed from your LAN.
• The entry is incorrect.
Refresh Update the data on screen.
Display a read-only list showing full details of all entries in the
PC database.
View the Advanced version of the PC database screen - Ad-
vanced PC Database. See below for details.