Wireless Broadband router User Guide
Data - Advanced QoS Screen
QoS Setting
QoS Method Select the desired option.
Follow existing packet classification
QoS Queue: It displays the queue type.
Priority: Enter the priority value (1~20) of the policy.
Reliability: Select the desired option from the drop-
down list.
Traffic Limit: Enter the desired values for the inbound
and outbound traffic limitation.
Use QoS Policies below
QoS Queue: It displays the queue type.
Priority: Enter the priority value (1~20) of the policy.
Reliability: Select the desired option from the drop-
down list.
Traffic Limit: Enter the desired values for the inbound
and outbound traffic limitation.
QoS Policy Name: It displays the name for the policy.
Traffic Definition: It displays the information of the traf-
Queue: Select the desired option.
Enable: Check this to enable this policy.
Define Traffic Button: Click this button to access the
sub-screen, and define the traffic for the selected pol-