Plate VARIATIONs Adjust Tap
1 Small Plate Liveness
2 Medium Plate Liveness
3 Large Plate Liveness Predelay (1/32 Note)
4 Larger Plate Decay Time Predelay (1/32 Note)
5 Tape Slap Plate ± Decay/15ips or 7.5ips
6 Rich Plate Decay Time Predelay (1/32 Note)
7 Large Bright Plate Decay Time Predelay (1/32 Note)
8 Vocal Plate Low Cut, Decay Time Echo
Plate reverb was originally generated by a large, thin sheet of metal suspended
upright under tension on springs. Transducers attached to the plate transmitted a
signal that made the plate vibrate — making sounds broadcast through the plate
seem to be occurring in a large open space.
The Plate program in the MPX 100 syn-
thesizes the sound of metal plates with high
initial diffusion and a relatively bright, colored
sound. This program is designed to be heard
as part of the music, mellowing and thicken-
ing the initial sound. It is a popular choice for
enhancing popular music, particularly per-