Using Program Change Messages for
Program Load
The MPX 100 will allow loading of all of its
240 preset and 16 User programs via stan-
dard MIDI Program Change messages. It
also conforms to the use of MIDI controller 32
to perform Bank Select, starting with the
User bank as the first bank. (For the pur-
poses of this discussion, each setting of the
MPX 100 PROGRAM knob selects a “bank”
of 16 programs.) The MPX 100 “banks” are
ordered numerically from 0-15.
Here’s how it works. If a standard MIDI
Program Change is sent to the MPX 100 on
its Program Load MIDI Channel, Program
Change messages 0-15 will load programs
1-16 from the current Program Bank.
If a Bank Select message (controller 32)
precedes a Program Change message, any
one of the 256 programs can be loaded.
For example, Program Change 1 with
PROGRAM pointing to Plate, Gate, will cause
the first Plate program to be loaded. Sending
controller 32 with a value of 0, followed by
Program Change 1, loads the first program of
the User bank. Sending controller 32 with a
value of 1, then Program Change 2, loads the
second program in the Flange-Delay bank.
Sending controller 32 with a value of 8, then
program change 15 will load the last Gate
program in the Plate, Gate bank.
Once a bank is selected, all subsequent
Program Change messages will select pro-
grams within that bank until a new value for
controller 32 is received, or until the PRO-
GRAM or VARIATION knob is moved.
This function can be disabled with the
MIDI Pgm Change parameter in System
MPX 100 Program Banks
0 User
1 Flange-Delay
2 Pitch-Delay
3 Chorus-Delay
4 Delay Reverb
5 Flange-Reverb
6 Pitch-Reverb
7 Chorus-Reverb
8 Plate, Gate
9 Hall, Chamber
10 Ambience, Room
11 Tremolo, Rotary
12 Chorus, Flange
13 Pitch, Detune
14 Delay, Echo
15 Special FX