The stereo polyphonic Pitch program in
the MPX 100 allows complete program ma-
terial or monophonic sources to be shifted
down two octaves or up one octave.
For pitch corr ection, use this algorithm
with Mix set to fully Wet. For harmonization,
use the desired amount of wet/dry Mix.
Altering the pitch of a sound allows a variety of effects from subtle detuning to
the creation of harmonies and chords.
Pitch VARIATIONs Adjust Tap
1 Semi-tone Shift -2 to +1 octaves
2 Glide Shifter ± 1 octave
3 +/-100 cents ± 100 cents
4 Minor 3rd to 4th Harmony Flat 3rd to 4th Up
5 4th/5th Harmony 4th to 5th Up
6 5th/6th Harmony 5th to 6th Up
7 2nd Inversion Triad Minor/Major 3rd
8 Power Chords Inversion