View the IP address on the printer control panel in the TCP/IP se ction under the Networks/Ports menu.
Print a network setup page or the menu settings pages and locate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
2Click Device Status.
Viewing reports
You can view some reports from the Embedded Web Server. T hese reports are useful for assessing the status o f the
printer, the network, and supplies.
1Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web browser.
Note: If you do not know the IP address of the printer, then you can:
View the IP address on the printer control panel in the TCP/IP se ction under the Networks/Ports menu.
Print a network setup page or the menu settings pages and locate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
2Click Reports, and then click the type of report you want to view.
Setting up email alerts
You can have the printer send you an email when the supplies are g etting low or when the paper needs to be chang ed,
added, or unjammed.
1Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web browser.
Note: If you do not know the IP address of the printer, then you can:
View the IP address on the printer control panel in the TCP/IP se ction under the Networks/Ports menu.
Print a network setup page or the menu settings pages and locate the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
2Click Settings.
3Under Other Settings, click Email Alert Setup.
4Select the items for notification and type the email addresses that you want to receive email alerts.
5Click Submit.
Note: See your system support person to set up the email server.
Configuring supply notifications
You can determine how you would like to be notified when suppli es run low or reach their endoflife.
1Type the printer IP address into the address field of your Web browser.
Note: If you do not know the IP address of the printer, then print a network setup page and locate the IP
address in the TCP/IP section.
2Click Settings.
3Click Print Settings.
4Click Supply Notifications.
Administrative support