Daft 2000/12/04
Manuals for This MachineTwo Facsimile Reference manuals are provided, the Basic Features manual and
the Advanced Features manual. Please refer to the manual that suits your needs.
Basic Features (this manual)
The Basic Features manual explains the most frequently used fax functions and
Advanced Features
The Advanced Features manual describes more advanced functions, and also
explains settings for key operators.
❖Chapter 1 Transmission Mode
Explains how to send at a specific time without having to be by the machine,
and also take advantage of off-peak telephone line charges.
❖Chapter 2 Checking and Canceling Transmission Files
Explains how to cancel a transmission, and resend a message when it fails to
❖Chapter 3 Communication Information
Explains hoe to erase a fax message programed in memory and check the con-
tents of any file in memory.
❖Chapter 4 Transmission Features
Explains about useful transmission features, also learn how to dial numbers
❖Chapter 5 Reception Features
Explains about reception features. Learn how to receive messages in tele-
phone mode, and print two pages of received messages on one page.
❖Chapter 6 Simplifying the Operation
Explains how to specify a Program and use the Document Server.
❖Chapter 7 Facsimile User Tools
Explains how to program frequently used functions as a Quick Dial Key and
User Function Key.
❖Chapter 8 Key Operator Settings
Explains about functions the key operator handles. Learn how to setup the
phone line type, and how to store the Memory Locked ID and the Confiden-
tial ID.