Online Menu / 1 to 1 conversation
After successful Login (Sign On / Connect), a contactlist with contacts(buddies) will appear on screen. Depending on the cursor location in the contactlist(buddylist), following menu options will be available.
When cursor is located on the Unknown List (Strangers)
View/Hide Contacts (View/Hide Buddies): This provides the option to view or hide contacts (buddies) from the selected list.
Chat (Send IM / Send Message): This offers the ability send a message to unknown contact(stranger). When selected, User ID (Screen Name / ICQ#) must be typed in prior to starting an IM session or conversation.
•Screen Name: You may select the Screen Name to be used while in the Group chat service.
•Availability: You may select your availability status to Not Available (Away / Do Not Disturb).
•Mood: You may select your current mood as in Happy, Sad, Angry, Jealous, In Love, Sleep, etc.
•Status Text: You may set your current status in free text format.
•Watcher List: You may view contacts(buddies) who can access your presence information.
•View Options: You may allow only contacts(buddies) online from your contactlist(buddylist) or everyone to view.
]Saved Conversations: You may view or delete the stored conversation session.
]Logout (Sign Off / Disconnect): This begins the Logout (Sign Off / Disconnect) process.