Recent Calls
Notice The actual time invoiced for calls by your service provider may vary, depending upon network features,
* Call Costs | Menu 1.6 | |
Call costs allows you to check the cost of the last call or all calls. The call costs are displayed separately for each SIM card. To reset the cost, you need the PIN2 code.
The following options are available:
Last Call’s Cost (Menu 1.6.1)
Cost of the last call made.
All Calls’ Cost (Menu 1.6.2)
Total cost of all calls made since the cost counter was last reset. If the total cost exceeds the maximum cost set, you will no longer be able to make any calls, except calls to the emergency services, until you reset the counter.
Notice The actual cost invoiced for calls by your service provider may vary, depending upon network features,
* Cost Settings | Menu 1.7 | |
Call Cost’s Limit (Menu 1.7.1)
This network service allows you to limit the cost of your calls by selected charging units. If you select Read, the number of remaining unit is shown. If you select Change, you can change your charge limit.
44*: Shown only if supported by SIM card