EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.)

TV Configuration Options

From the TV Configuration Options screen, you can choose how to proceed with the configuration of this STB/display (assuming you do not opt to exit the wizard, which you may also do at any time).

Note: If you intend to use the Zoning feature(s) on the STB for location-specific configuration purposes, select the “Zones & Room Number” option from this screen and assign the appropriate TV Zone # and/or the Wi-Fi Zone # in the STB BEFORE you continue with additional configuration.

EZ-Manager Wizard

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TV Configuration Options

To configure the TV for Pro:Centric operation, select ‘Next’.

To set the optional Zoning features, select ‘Zones & Room Number’.

To access the TV’s USB Download Menu, select ‘USB Configuration’.

This setup wizard will continue automatically in 60 seconds.



USB Configuration


Zones & Room Number










Note: If there is no user action in this screen within one minute, the wizard will automatically continue to the next configuration step.

Use the Left/Right arrow keys on the Installer Remote to navigate between options on this screen. Each time you select/highlight one of the following options, the screen text and fields will change in accordance with your selection.

To continue with Pro:Centric configuration, select Next (default) and press OK on the Installer Remote. Refer to “Configure Pro:Centric Settings” on pages 19 to 21 for additional information.

To set the Zoning feature(s) on the STB, select Zones & Room Number. See “Zones and Room Number Assignments” below for further information.

Select USB Configuration to access the STB’s USB Download Menu. See “USB Configuration” on page 22 for further information.

Note: If you have already inserted a USB memory device with the intent to use the LG Smart Install utility and the Integrated USB Downloading screen is on display, you may still set the Zoning features on this STB by selecting Previous to return to the EZ-Manager’s TV Configuration Options screen. Set the Zoning features as required, and then select USB Configuration and press OK on the Installer Remote to return to the Integrated USB Downloading screen.

Note: If you choose to exit the EZ-Manager Wizard from this point on, you will have the option to save any settings made by selecting Save and Exit in the exit confirmation pop-up window. Or, you can exit the wizard without saving any settings by simply selecting OK in the confirmation pop-up window.

Zones and Room Number Assignments

You may complete one or more of the fields in the Zones, Label, and Room Number screen or leave them at their default settings (TV Zone and Wi-Fi Zone) or blank (Label and Room Number), as desired. However, if you intend to use either of the Zoning features—TV Zoning and/or Wi-Fi Zoning—on this STB, you MUST specify the appropriate values in the TV Zone and/or Wi-Fi Zone fields as described on the following page. See also Reference section, “Using the STB’s Zoning Features,” for further information.
