Correcting Dialing Mistakes
If you make mistakes while dialing a number, press
once to erase the last digit entered or hold
down for at least two seconds to delete all digits, or simply press Soft Key 2 Back to exit the dialing state.
Receiving Calls
1.When the phone rings, open the
cellcase or if the cellcase is open,
press any key (except ,
) to answer.
If you press the
or Side Keys (
) while the phone is ringing, the ringing or vibration is muted for that call.
2. Press ,
twice to end the call.
Using Manner & Lock Mode
Manner Mode (Quick)
Use Manner Mode in a public place.
1.In standby mode, activate Manner
Mode quickly by pressing the ,
. (for 3 seconds) instead of using the Menu function.
When Manner Mode is set,
) is displayed on the LCD screen.
When Manner Mode is set, Key tone does not sound and Vibration is selected as the ringer.
To cancel Manner Mode, press ,
again until
Normal Mode Entered! is displayed.
Lock Mode (Quick)
Use to prevent others from using your phone.
1.In standby mode, to activate the Lock Mode quickly, press the (for 3 seconds).
Lock mode Setting! will be displayed.
To cancel the Lock Mode, Press Soft Key 1 Unlock,
then enter your password (4 digits).
The lock code (password) is commonly the last 4 digits of your phone number.
Basic Funct ions
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