Iam no longer

aware of limitations.

10 workout programs
Polar®wireless chest strap
HeartSyncheartrate controlled workouts
3goal workouts
2user profiles
2custom workouts
Race mode
5Classic workout programs
Heart rate readout
(not available on the X1)Create your ultimate fitness machine
Choose your
Life Fitness
elliptical cross-
trainer model.
Available on the X7, X5, X3, X1 modelsSTEP
Add the console that best suits your personal fitness needs.
Polar®Chest Strap
Provides accurate,
hands-free heart rate
HeartSync Workouts
5workouts that adjust
resistance to keep you
at your target heart rate,
ensuring a safe, effective
Goal Workouts
Set your workout goal,
including calorie-burn,
distance, or target heart
rate, and exercise until
you reach it.
Two User Profiles
Perfect for multi-user
households, user profiles
save your vital statistics,
preferences, and custom
Race Mode
Challenge yourself
against a computer-
simulated pacer.
Basic Advanced
The Basic Workouts Console is extremely easy to use, and features the essentialprogramming you’ll need to begin and maintain an effective fitness regimen. The Advanced Workouts Console is ideal if you want added workout variety and advancedprograms to help you better reach your fitnessgoals. And the ability to save two user profilesmakes it perfect for multi-user households.


Advanced Workouts ConsoleBasic Workouts Console
X7Available on the X7, X5, X3, X1 models