Why Measureeasure BloBloodd PressurePressureatatHome?Home?
It isis nownowwellwellknownknownthat,that,forformanymanyindividuals,individuals,bloodblood pres- sure readings taken in a doctor’s office or hospital setting pressure readings taken in a doctor’s office or hospital setting might be elevated as a result of apprehension and anxiety. might be elevated as a result of apprehension and anxiety.
This response is commonly called “white coat hyperten- This response is commonly called “white coat hypertension.” sion.” One way to determine whether this is the case for One way to determine whether this is the case for you is to take you is to take your home monitor to the doctor’s office and, yourbeforehomethe doctormonitorortonursethe doctor’stakes yourofficepressure,and, b foredo theit yourdoctor- orselfnurseon yourtakeshomeyour monitorpressure,anddo itcompareyourself itontoyouryourhomerecord of
monitorhome readingsnd compare. it to your record of home readings.
In any case, self-measurement at home supplements your
consult their physicians and monitor their own blood
Keys to Successful Monitoring: pressure at home.
Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day. We recom- mendHowthatDoyouI Recordare consistentMy Bloodin yourPressure?daily measurement routine:
Blood pressure readings are typically recorded with the systolic
• Measure at the same time every day.
pressure written first, followed by a slash mark and the diastolic
• Sit in the same chair/position.
pressure. For example, 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg
• Relax for 5 minutes before measurement.
diastolic measurements are written as 120/80. Pulse is simply
• Sit still during measurement – no talking, eating or sud- writtenden withmovementsthe le ter. “P” followed by the pulse
for• exampleRecord your. measurement in a logbook.
How Do I Record My Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure readings are typically recorded with the sys- tolic pressure written first, followed by a slash mark and the diastolic pressure. For example, 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic measurements are written as 120/80. Pulse is simply written with the letter “P” followed by the pulse
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