3. The Install Hardware Device Drivers dialog box will appear. When
Ethernet Controller is displayed, select Search for a suitable driver for my
device (Recommended)and click the Next button.
4. The Locate Driver Filesdialog box will appear. Select Specify a location
and click the Next button.
Linksys Instant EtherFast
Windows 2000 Installation andSetupAfter physically installing the EtherFast®10/100
LAN Card in your computer, follow these
instructions to install the network device driver.
The installation procedure for the network driver
will vary slightly depending on which version of
Windows 2000 you are using, and on your cur-
rent system configuration. If at any time during
the installation you encounter problems, consult
the Troubleshootingsection.
1. Start and log on to your Windows 2000 PC.
2. Windows will display the Found New Hardware Wizardbox. Click the
Next button to continue.
10/100 LANCards
Note: Do not click Cancel or
Skip at any time during the
installation. Doing so will pre-
vent your driver from being
properly installed on your PC.
NNoottee:: Prior to
ensure that you
are operating
Windows 2000
with administrative rights. If
you log into Windows 2000
without administrative rights,
you may run into problems
during the installation.
Installing the Network Card’s Driver