10/100 LANCards
6. Connect one end of a twisted-pair cable to your PC at the EtherFast®
10/100 LANCard's RJ-45 por t.
7. Plug the other end of the cable into one of your network’s 10BaseT or a
100BaseTX hub or switch ports, DSLmodem, cable modem, router, etc.
8. Reconnect your PC’s power, then power on your computer. Your comput-
er will automatically recognize the card and assign it a unique IRQ ("inter-
rupt") and I/O address.
The card installation is complete.Next, you must install the device drivers
for the EtherFast®10/100 LANCard.To configure the 10/100 LAN Card,
turn to the section appropriate to your Operating System.
If you are using an operating system other than Windows 98,Windows 95,
or Windows NT,you will find the network driver installation instructions
on the Driver Disk’s readme.exefile.
Linksys Instant EtherFast
3. Open your computerand locate the
PCI slot(s) on your motherboard.
PCI slots are easily identified by
their beige or white color. Remove
the metal slot cover on the back of
the PC, then insert the EtherFast®
10/100 LANCard into an empty PCI
slot, as shown in the photograph
4. Once your EtherFast®10/100 LAN Card is firmly in place, secure its
fastening tab to your PC's chassis with a mounting screw.
5. Replace your PC's cover.
NNoottee:: If you intend to use both 10Mbps and 100Mbps components on your net-
work, you will need an auto-sensing hub or switch. For more information on
auto-sensing hubs or switches, go to the Linksys website at www.linksys.com.
NNoottee:: When installing the
network card, be sure to
press the card solidly into
the PCI slot. Our network
cards are built to resist the
pressure necessary to insert the card
correctly in the PCI slot. Avoid a call to
technical support by making sure that
your card is inserted all the way into
your PC’s network slot! You will know
this has occurred when the card’s face-
plate is flush with your computer’s slot.