
EtherFast Cable/DSLRouters
Instant Broadband Series
3. The Cable/DSL Router’s Setup pagewill appear.
4. Configure the following values:
Host Name &Domain Name These fields allow you to give the Router a
Host and Domain name. Some ISPs require these names as identification.
You may have to check with your ISPto see if your broadband Internet ser v-
ice has been configured with Host and Domain names. In most cases, leav-
ing these two fields blank will still work.
LAN IP Address These values refer to your internal network settings.
Unless you have specific internal needs, there should be no reason to change
these values. For the internal LAN side, the Router’s default values are as
•Private IP Address:
Now that your TCP/IPsetup is complete, you can begin configuring your
1. Open your web browserand type in the brows-
er’s Address field. This number is the Router’s default IPaddress. Press the
Enter key.
2. A username and password promptwill appear. Leave the User Name field
empty and type “admin,” which is the default password, into the Password
box. Click the OK button.
IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT!! If you have previously enabled any
IInntteerrnneett--sshhaarriinngg pprrooxxyy
sseerrvveerr ssooffttwwaarree
on any of your PCs, you must disable it now.
Some examples of proxy server software are Internet LanBridge,
Wingate, and Sygate. To disable your proxy server software:
• If you are running Netscape Navigator: Click EEddiitt>> PPrreeffeerreenncceess>>
AAddvvaanncceedd>> PPrrooxxiieess> and click DDiirreecctt CCoonnnneeccttiioonn ttoo tthhee IInntteerrnneett.
• If you are running Internet Explorer, click SSttaarrtt>> SSeettttiinnggss>> CCoonnttrrooll
PPaanneell>> IInntteerrnneett OOppttiioonnss>> CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss>> LLAANN SSeettttiinnggss. Remove
the checks from all three boxes. Click the OOKKbutton to continue.
Also, you must disable any
IInntteerrnneett lloogg--oonn ssooffttwwaarree
(such as Ivasion
Winpoet or Enternet 300) and any
ffiirreewwaallll ssooffttwwaarree
(such as ZoneAlarm
and Watchdog) on all of your PCs.
Configuring the Cable/DSL Router NNoottee::Your screen
may vary slightly
from the screen
shown here.