HT RatioThis item allows you to set Hyper Transport Frequency.
Options: Auto(default)、1x、2x、3x、4x、5x
HT FrequencyThis item displays the result of your HT Ratio setting
PCIE ClockThis item allows you to select PCIE clock form 100 Mhz(default) to 145Mhz.
PCIE Spread SpectrumThe Spread Spectrum function can reduce the EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) generated. Options: Enabled (default)、Disabled
CPU Voltage (Volt)This item allows you to adjust your CPU core voltage. Options range from +15%、+10%、+5%、 Default
DDR Voltage (Volt)This item allows you to adjust the RAM voltage. Options: 2.7(default)、2.8、2.9、3.0
Chipset Voltage (Volt)This item allows you to adjust the North/ South bridge chipsets voltage.
Options: 1.5v(default)、1.8v、1.7v、1.6v
Before overclocking, please make sure your system components are capable of overclocking. If you are familiar with the overclocking, we strongly recommend you to set the clock to the defult settings. We do not guarantee that damage will or will not occur when overclocking.