DownScan options
DownScan options
Noise Rejection
Uses advanced signal processing to monitor the effects noise (boat pumps, water conditions, engine ignition systems, etc.) has on your display, and then filters out undesired signals.
Surface Clarity
Surface Clarity reduces surface clutter by decreasing the sensitivity of the receiver near the surface.
Surface Clarity | Surface Clarity |
set to Low | set to High |
Split Zoom
Changes the display to a split zoom view. You can select a 2X or 4X zoom level. Press the +/- keys to zoom in/ zoom out.
Allows you to select a color palette best suited to your fishing conditions.
The white background palette works well for suspended targets. Purple is useful for viewing structure detail and determining bottom hardness. Sepia is best for looking at bottom detail.
DownScan Operation | 20 |